Many people still think of massage therapy as a luxury—but a closer look at the benefits demonstrates how essential it is as an regular healthcare modality.
Here at Camelback Medical Centers in Naperville, your chiropractor collaborates with massage therapists to help you get pain relief, recover from an injury, or just improve your health overall.
Our Naperville massage therapists are specialists in several different styles of massage they can tailor to your chiropractor’s recommendations. One particular technique we use is Myofascial release, a safe and effective technique that uses gentle, sustained pressure on the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to get rid of pain and restore movement.
Your therapist will have you move into specific positions during massage to release tight knots of tissue, boosting your range of motion and providing excellent pain relief and injury rehabilitation.
Come see us for a Consultation at Naperville’s Camelback Medical Centers! We are happy to take same day appointments and walks-ins.
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